About Us
Our Mission
We are proud to be a progressive pharmacy with a strong sense of our purpose - to help people feel, live, and look better. We embrace a holistic approach to wellness and health, and we offer a carefully curated range of products and services to allow us do that, while always offering the best in core pharmacy services.
Our Past
G.B McCauley’s dedication to excellence saw his small pharmacy business in Enniscorthy grow quickly in the years since its doors opened under his name in 1953. In 1978, Sam McCauley and his wife Leslie, both pharmacists, joined the business with that same passion and expertise. Today, McCauley Pharmacy is one of Ireland’s most trusted names. We couldn’t be more proud.
Our Future
We appreciate the traditional, but our eyes are always looking ahead. Digital services that provide our customers with a choice of how and when they access our care are a priority for us, and we are always looking for ways to use technology that makes our customers’ experience with us as quick and convenient as they need it to be.