What Is Hay Fever? Causes, Symptoms & Remedies

What is Hay Fever? Hay fever is an allergic reaction to pollen, usually when it comes into contact with your mouth, nose, eyes and throat. Pollen is a fine powder from plants. Other allergens can…

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Breathe Easy with Salins Plus Salt Therapy

Breathe Easy with Salt Therapy Asthma, COPD and Bronchitis sufferers can get relief with Salt Therapy. The Salin Plus Salt Therapy at home Air Purifier is a small device (about the size of a kettle),…

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How To Help Hormonal Skin?

How To Help Hormonal Skin? By Nutritional Therapist Sarah Brereton How to help hormonal skin? Have you hormonal spots every month that mainly appear the week before your Period on your chin & jawline? These…

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Benefits & Guide to Baby Massage

Benefits & Guide to Baby Massage Baby massage has many benefits and is a great way for you and your partner to bond with your baby in a relaxed atmosphere. Outlined are the Benefits &…

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Advice on managing your Child’s Fever

Advice on managing your Child’s Fever Feeling worried about your child’s fever? We’ve got all the tips you need to manage it effectively! Stay on top of their medication schedule with dosing charts. Remember, while…

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